One thing I always found that I needed to improve on was my science instruction.
I had heard of Interactive Notebooks and even had a Social Studies teacher use one in high school (and I still have it!).
I had my Science standards and district pacing guide at my fingertips and a plethora of ideas and materials.
Thus, my journey into Interactive Notebooking was born!
My students were my “guinea pigs,” so to speak. I made it and used it with them. This allowed me to see what worked and what didn’t. I realized really early on that it took the students a LONG time to cut out the pieces. I needed to have a plan in place or I was going to find random pieces of Interactive Notebook alllllll over my classroom.
Fortunately, there was no need to reinvent the wheel! Adding an envelope to the inside back cover was the perfect solution.
I quickly discovered that the notebooks were a hit with my class. They LOVE them. Every day I hear “Ms. Chapple, are we working in our science books today?” What a great feeling to know that your students are engaged in the activities you are giving them to do!
I am so pleased with how it turned out!
If you are interested in checking it out, please click here.